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Download the recent available file for this product via Axon.


SCO v3 includes a feature that disables the EAS on a product once it has been purchased. This feature is currently incompatible with JSM EAS.

1) Enable HTTP Requests

2) Product Insertion

Insert your file by 'dragging' the product file into Roblox studio with your game fully loaded. The deactivation field has been purposely left unobfuscated to show you an example of disabling tags, you could place this in one-way systems to reduce the amount of activations by trolling customers.

3) Monitoring Station & Operator Barcodes

The monitoring station is used to keep track of activation events. It also comes with an integration for VoCoVo.

  1. Click the station in your workspace, then double-click Settings in explorer
  2. For VoCoVo, set VocovoEnabled to true
  3. Adjust other variables such as the Access Pin for login. Operator settings are for the operator barcode.
  4. Match the OperatorID and OperatorSecurityKey you picked to the 'Operator Barcode' in explorer by clicking SCO-AUTH.



The operator barcodes that are included with JSM SCO v3.1 are not compatible with the latest version of JSM EAS. You will have to use the old barcodes.

4) Gate Configuration

If you're planning to use more than one set of anti-theft gates for your store, you will need to setup 'zones'. This needs to be done for the gate & sensor.

  1. In explorer, click the 'Sensor' for your desired gate
  2. Change the Zone to a unique numerical value that isn't used by any other gate
  3. Repeat this for both of your anti-theft gates, using the same numerical value as your sensor

You can have an unlimited number of sensor and anti-theft gates for your game, just adjust the Zone in each model to link them together.


This step is very important to prevent activations all over your store. If a sensor/gate isn't working, double check that you set the zones correctly.

5) Creation of Items

The Test Tag can be used to test your gates, it can also show you how to 'protect' your product to raise an alarm from the anti-theft gates.

  1. Click onto your desired tool in explorer
  2. Inside the Handle, click the plus & search for BoolValue
  3. Change the name of the BoolValue to EAS_Active
  4. Enable the value to 'arm' the tag for future activations

Products like SCO v3 will search for EAS_Active inside your tool handle, and will then disable the value to prevent activating the gate's alarm.